Our story

In 2016, YouBet was created with the goal of providing a language course with a cultural immersion. Over the years and through structural partnerships, YouBet has specialized in sending students to other countries, mainly to study High School.

In the year 2019, YouBet! created the American High School program in Brazilian schools, with the differential of cultural immersion, allowing, in addition to studies, an exchange in American schools.

Currently, YouBet! School seeks constant growth and more partnerships that can enable education and the transformation of people’s lives.


Transform the lives of thousands of people through the exchange of culture, creating a global mind and improving social development.


To be a national reference in the development of global citizens, developing an international culture.


  1. Customer Commitment: we are committed to the development of our students
  2. Global Citizenship: we are good citizens and part of a global community
  3. Respect: we value the diversity of people and cultures
  4. Collaboration: we work together
  5. Education: we are always learning and teaching